I believe every person has to be a Phoenix in real life. You cannot be give up if you fail once. Rise from the ashes they say, that's what a phoenix does! There will always come a time in your life when you will feel like giving up everything that you have been doing, a time when the going gets tough. It is this time, when your inner strength is tested. You might cry, vent out your frustration. The convention of "Mard ko Dard nahi hota!" (Men never feel pain) is not true. Men do cry, they do feel the pain. Always embrace your emotional side, for your emotional side is what defines your soul.
Taking pragmatic decisions is what the world does these days, but some things need to involve your sentiments.
I am writing all this because I have been feeling too depressed and unmotivated to work lately. That is partly because of a tight schedule, partly because of a lack of change and partly because of a specific reason that I don't wish to mention here. Its easy to give up everything in this down time, even easier to crib about how unfair life has been to you. I did, I did all that! Cried, sat alone thinking about where I was headed in life, what my ultimate goals are, and if I really am working towards it! Found vague answers to all questions, and felt even more frustrated. There's nothing much you can do during this phase, except call up your closed ones and share your so called "sorrow".
It's only when I look around myself that I see people, in a far worse struggle in life than me. Who knows what an auto driver has to go through in the entire day before going home. Who knows if he's at peace in his home? You never know what a street vendor's struggles are, or how a security guard in your society manages his household in his meager wages. Everyone has problems, the magnitude differs. And no matter how much ever bad you think your problem is, there is always someone who is in a condition worse than yours. A person with no shoes, looks at a person wearing boots and feels bad, but then he sees a person with no legs and realizes the superficiality of his sadness.
It is the determination with which you get up after falling, that defines the fire in you. It's not about the dog in the fight, it's about the fight in the dog. Life is all about highs and lows, its not a bed of roses, so the better you are at rising up again, the stronger you will be. Help yourself and God will help you!